Private Sub Form_Load()

optsingle.Value = False

optnikah.Value = False

End Sub


Private Sub Frame3_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)


End Sub


Private Sub optnikah_Click()

txttunjangan.Text = 800000

End Sub

Private Sub optsingle_Click()

txttunjangan.Text = 500000

End Sub

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tugas modul

Private Sub cmdhitung_Click()

‘deklarasi variabel lokal

Dim a As Single

Dim b As Single

Dim c As Single

End Sub

Private Sub Cmdbersih_Click()

‘mengosongkan isi textbox

txtbil1.Text = “”

txtbil2.Text = “”

txthasil.Text = “”

End Sub

a = txtbil1.Text

b = txtbil2.Text

hasil = a * b

txthasil.Text = hasil

End Sub

Private Sub Cmdkeluar_Click()

‘mengakhiri program


End Sub

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tugas VB

Private Sub Cbogolongan_Click()

Dim gapok, pajak, tunjangan, total As Variant

Select Case cbogolongan.Text

Case “I”

gapok = 1500000

tunjangan = 150000

pajak = 165000

Case “II”

gapok = 2000000

tunjangan = 200000

pajak = 220000

Case “III”

gapok = 2500000

tunjangan = 250000

pajak = 275000

Case “IV”

gapok = 3000000

tunjangan = 300000

pajak = 330000

Case Else

gapok = 0

tunjangan = 0

pajak = 0

End Select

total = gapok + tunjangan

pajak = total * 0.1

txtgapok.Text = gapok

txttunjangan.Text = tunjangan

txtpajak.Text = pajak

txttotal.Text = total – pajak

End Sub

Public Sub kosong()


txtnidn.Text = “”

txtnama.Text = “”

cbogolongan.Text = “”

txtgapok.Text = “”

txttunjangan.Text = “”

txtpajak.Text = “”

txttotal.Text = “”

End Sub

Private Sub txtnind_keypress(keyascii As Integer)

If keyascii = 13 Then


End If

End Sub

Private Sub Cmdbatal_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub cmdlagi_click()


End Sub

Private Sub cmdkeluar_click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Cbogolongan_Click()

Dim gapok, pajak, tunjangan, total As Variant

Select Case cbogolongan.Text

Case “I”

gapok = 1500000

tunjangan = 150000

pajak = 165000

Case “II”

gapok = 2000000

tunjangan = 200000

pajak = 220000

Case “III”

gapok = 2500000

tunjangan = 250000

pajak = 275000

Case “IV”

gapok = 3000000

tunjangan = 300000

pajak = 330000

Case Else

gapok = 0

tunjangan = 0

pajak = 0

End Select

total = gapok + tunjangan

pajak = total * 0.1

txtgapok.Text = gapok

txttunjangan.Text = tunjangan

txtpajak.Text = pajak

txttotal.Text = total – pajak

End Sub

Public Sub kosong()


txtnidn.Text = “”

txtnama.Text = “”

cbogolongan.Text = “”

txtgapok.Text = “”

txttunjangan.Text = “”

txtpajak.Text = “”

txttotal.Text = “”

End Sub

Private Sub txtnind_keypress(keyascii As Integer)

If keyascii = 13 Then


End If

End Sub

Private Sub Cmdbatal_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub cmdlagi_click()


End Sub

Private Sub cmdkeluar_click()

Unload Me

End Sub

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tugas Visual Basic

Private Sub Command1_Click()


Text1.Text = “”

Text2.Text = “”

Text3.Text = “”

End Sub


Private Sub Command2_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub



Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then


End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then


End If

End Sub


Private Sub Text3_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then


End If

End Sub

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